Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Works Cited for Essay #3

Works Cited
“Martin Luther King Jr., “’I Have A Dream.’” American Rhetoric. Web, October 27, 2010.
Intellectual Properties Management,
Auburn Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30312
  • I believe this source to be credible and valid based on the information I gained from the website and the doucumentation provided to solidify the validity of the information given. There was an adress, it was coprywrighted by a company, and this is a well known speech to begin with. I would use this source for further research projects.
“Religion.” BBC News. BBC News: Web, October 18, 2010. British Broadcasting
Corporation. Broadcasting House,
Portland Place, London, W1A 1AA
  • The BBC is a very credible and reliable news source that has publishing articles since the 1920's. The articles published by BBC News are written by well qualified journalists and reporters who have won and or been nominated for numerous writing awards. I would definitely use this source for other research assignments.
“Gay Marriage Showdowns.” CQ Researcher.. Web, October 15, 2010. The CQ Researcher,
September 26, 2008, Volume 18, Number 33. CQ Press, a division of SAGE publications, 2010.
  • The CQ Researcher is a credible source that was given to me by the head of the FCC library. Being that its a secure website, information must go through a screening process before it is made availbale for reasearch use. I would use the CQ Researcher again.
“California’s Proposition 8.” Hub Pages.. Web, October 18, 2010. Hub Pages, Inc. 2010
  •  Although there are personal blogs on this new website, I found most of the articles to be written very well and documented properly. I would maybe use this source again.
“Prop 8.” Huffington Post. Web, October 16, 2010. Huffington, Inc. 2010
  • Huffington Post was a really good source with well written articles by decorated journalists. I would use the Huffington Post for further research.
“Behind the Numbers of Prop 8.” LA Times. Web, October 15, 2010. Los Angeles Times,
202 West 1st Street, Los Angeles, California, 90012, 2010.
  • LA Time has very well written articles by reporters who use very well doucumented sourcing techniques so I trust the information that was provided to me. I would use this source again.
“Did Prop 8 Voters Know What They Were Voting For?” Newsweek. Web, October 12,
  • Newweek is a reliable source with well written, doucumented articles. I would use them again.
“Pope on gay marriage.” New York Media. Web, October 17, 2010. New York Media
  • New York Media Magazine may be a company that writes articles well, but I think some of the articles may have some bias to them. I probably wouldn't use it again.
“In States Races, Gay Marriage Resurfaces As Issue.” NPR News. Web, October 18, 2010.
NPR and PBS 2010.
  • NPR is a very valid source and its partner co and copywrite source is PBS. The articles were well documented and well written. I would use this source again.

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